Terrence McManus


Walking past the trees, I start to feel really tired. I remember a saying, “My dogs really hurt”. Well they do. Feels like I have been walking all day. Actually I have, and yesterday too. I am a cow, and all I do is eat, milk, walk, eat milk sleep. Every day, seven days a week. Bored? Sure I am bored. Being a cow is pretty dull. Once and a while, things happen. Like rain, or thunder, or the neighbor kid loves to slap me on my side. It tickles most cows. But me, I don’t like it. And I don’t like the kid either. He is so annoying. Like yesterday, he was like, looking at me and I said, “like, moo”. He just laughed at me and said moo back. I mean come on. Tell me something. A story, funny anecdotes, whistle, anything. No, he just says moo. I am so bored. Damn, yesterday I was almost ready to jump out of my skin. I prayed to the cow angel. Sure enough, nothing. This world is just so slow and lame. Whoa, who’s that cow? “Hey Elmer.” “Who is that”? “Why that’s Elsie” “Elsie, what a beautiful name”. Wonder if she will think I am good looking. Damn, she is so cow-beautiful. “Hi, my name is Elmer”.