Terrence McManus

Victory Lap

They rounded the final turn. Rolling Thunder was three lengths ahead of Miss Happylaps. Margaret looked at her ticket and quietly said a prayer. She needed the money so bad…it was her only hope. The crowd edged closer to the rail. The sun was burning. Guys in suits were sweating over their fourth cup of beer and turning red in the face as their blood pressure matched the lame excuse they would give to their wives tonight. The loudspeaker shouted out stats…Rolling Thunder losing the lead…Happylaps gaining. Margaret clutched her ticket…she needed this so much. Here they come…Happylaps was gaining…Happylaps was plowing ahead…Happylaps was one length ahead…only twenty feet to go…Happylaps was going to win…Happylaps was going to win…Happylaps won. Margaret shouted, “Thank God” she ran to cash in her winnings…the cashier handed her the $18 prize money…Margaret hurried to the food stand…she was going to start her diet tomorrow.