Terrence McManus

Uncle Scotty

No one knew that Uncle Scotty was a serious drug dealer. Sure he seemed to stay up really late, talk really fast, had people drop over after midnight all the time, always checked the peep hole before opening his apartment door, always carried a lot of $20 dollar bills, always worn long sleeve shirts, missed his regular job at least once every other week, couldn’t stay in a relationship, had more strippers as friends then the average guy, had a cell phone that rang constantly, talked to people on the phone in some sort of code language, took trips to Miami every six weeks, had a cloudy mirror on his kitchen counter, could drink more than 10 drinks at a time without appearing drunk, had so many "acquaintances" at the local bar he could run for mayor, and actually liked music by the Doors. His time in the workhouse was never explained, and his heart attack at the age of 42 was surprising. At his funeral everyone remarked what a good salesman he was. He really was you know.