Terrence McManus

Toby Toby Toby

It’s possible that Toby had picked the wrong group of friends, but it was now or never. He reached for the 12 pack of Mountain Dew and set it by the front door. All the lights were out in the house. All that was left was to set the burglar alarm. Set. Out the Door. Into his car. Turn the key. Nothing. Turn the key. Click. Nothing. This was not good. They were really depending on him. Toby saw his whole next year in high school as very dismal. An outcast. scorned, ignored and teased. How could this be happening His sadness was magnified when he thought of Mary. She would never look at him the same way. She would probably talk about him behind his back to the other girls. He would never get another date. This was the worst moment of his life. Turn, click, nothing. He slammed his fist into the dashboard and screamed “Fuck”. How could he face everyone? They were all depending on him. He was in charge of bringing the Mountain Dew.