Terrence McManus

The New House

Boy was I living it. I'm just sitting in my new house. The movers have left and I can finally say that I am a homeowner. I take a deep breath and think about the road I took to get here. Always saving my bucks, working late hours, and cutting corners every chance I could get. Now, after three years of struggle I can finally say I met my goal. This house is a beautiful 1896 Victorian, sitting on a bluff looking over the city. The neighboorhood is quiet, plenty of trees, and my neighbor actually waved to me when I moved the last box into the house. Im sitting on the front porch in a wooden swing that the previous owners were nice enough to leave for me. They felt that it was just part of the home. I sit and swing and think about how lucky I am. At the prime of my life, I own my own business and money won't be a probme for me anymore. I clear my mind, take another deep breath and think about what I will do for the rest of the week. I took the month of September off of work so that I would have time to putter around the home, do some painting and get things in order. I figure I would start on the basement. I want to get a new washer and dryer put in and finally get to do my laundry without having to put quarters into a machine. I though how cool it would be to maybe get a dog. I always like rat terriers ever since a friend of mind had a very smart one named Boulder. They seem to have a great temperment. I looked out on the front sidewalk as a young couple walked by holding hands and waved and smiled at me. I waved back, "Hi Neighbvor". Hi, did you just move in they asked. I sure did, Just a few minutes ago, the moving van just drove off. Cool, my name is Matt, and this is my wife Sue. We live right around the corner. I will be so great to have neighbors. Do you have kids?. No, my son has already left for college, so I am all alone at this point. They didn't know what to say. They seemed perplexed. Why would a single guy decide to buy such a big Victorian house? They politely said they would be seeing me again, and started to walk thoward their home. I thought that was strange. My mind started to wander. Maybe I had made a mistake buying this some on my own. I guess I was desperate for a change after bvreaking up with my girlfriend; heck I've been working so hard lately, I dont have any friends. I am utterly alone. At the best time of my life and I have no one to share it with. I sink into despair. The wind start to kick up and it rains. I think about how sad my life really is and go slowly into a deep depression. Why did I do this? Did I just make the biggest mistake of my life? My sorrow was overwhelming and I thought about suicide. I put my head in my hands and started to lose control. After a few minutes, the sun broke through the clouds and I felt the warmth on my back. My tears dried up and I took another deep breath. I looked down from the porch to my new flower garden. I loved gardening. I loved flowers. I loved this house. I opened the door to the living room and started to unpack the first box.