Terrence McManus

The Cure

Sara decided early on in life that she was going to find a cure for cancer. She proclaimed her goal the age of six and immediately started to study in areas that would support her career. She started with Organic Chemistry and moved to Higher Mathematic Theory. Her vision held her captive, and she claimed the admiration of the medical community in her early teens. Moving quickly through high school, she graduated at sixteen with a graduate degree, and presented her first theoretical theories to the National Institute of Health at the age of eighteen. Her dedication and persistence landed her a scientist level position at the Mayo Clinic. Sara worked endless hours with little rest. Her only diversion was the radio. One day, Sara heard a song she loved by a band called Slobberbone. The tune raged through her head. She loved this band. She went to see them on the next Friday night. What a show. She fell in love with the lead singer. She felt like a groupie. It was all she could think about day and night. She followed them to Detroit. She met that singer, married, and went out on tour. Isn’t Rock and Roll incredible?