Terrence McManus

That Darn Hat

The strangest thing happened to Matt the other day. He was in a hat shop and spotted this really funky hat just like something Jimmy Durante would wear. If you don’t know Durante, he was some big television star in the fifties and he had a really big nose and I think he was a singer too. Anyway, Matt bought the hat, put it on and walked out the door of the hat shop. As soon as he got outside the hat started to get tighter and tighter on his head…it was really starting to hurt. He tried to pull it off but it was like glued on…and it kept getting tighter. He started to think the hat was going to kill him. Right before he started to pass out he could see the most beautiful white light and he felt at peace, even though his face was turning red and his girlfriend Sally was crying cause she didn’t know what to do. Then as if by a miracle the hat loosened up. Matt said “whew” and committed to being good for the rest of his life.