Terrence McManus

Smart Deer

Andy reached to turn the knob on the radio. He was a bit tired of listening to the farm report. Pork bellies were down again today. He heard the sound of The Monkees, Daydream Believer come thru the speakers. He remembered kissing Susie Sue in her bedroom listening to that same song 10 days earlier. The rain pounded down on the windshield. The wipers matched the beat of the music. The highway was dark. It was 3 a.m. Andy was driving way too fast. He wanted to make it to Minneapolis before 8 o’clock. Two hundred miles to go. Sara the cat, and Blinkers the dog, were sound asleep in the backseat. Thank goodness I brought the pillows. You have to be careful driving across Wisconsin on highway 94, two reasons, cops and deer. Cops if you drive over 55. Deer because they have a crazy habit of running across the highway. Sure enough Andy spotted a deer just ready to make the leap of faith. L ate at night you can tell it is a deer because they stare straight into your headlights, and their eyes are exactly like reflectors on the back of your banana seat bicycle. The deer started to cross. Like an angel with wings the deer leaps ten feet in the air and was a sure shot to hit the car. Andy looked up just in time and hit the brakes. Both car and deer stood frozen in the middle of the highway. It was like time was standing still. The deer seemed to be saying something to Andy. Andy rolled down the window. “Get out of the fricken road!” The deer said something again. Andy shouted and honked his horn. The deer didn’t move. Andy got out of the car and waved his arms trying to spook the deer. Nothing. Andy figured he would run at the deer, that would get him off the road. As he was running at the deer he heard out what the deer was repeatedly saying. “Speed trap dead ahead”. Oh… thought Andy, that deer just saved me a speeding ticket. He stopped and got back in the car, but not before he said thanks alot Mr. Deer. The deer took off. Damn cops.