Terrence McManus

Over There

Benny was a few bricks short of a full load. He looked around but could not see a brick anywhere. His boss, Lars, told him "no half loads of bricks, full loads only". What a dilemma. Meamwhile in a parallel universe, the same thing was happening to Bleepnor, with one difference, Bleepnor was putting ingots of Tylannium into a Tylannium transport bucket. He too was looking around for just a few more Tylannium ingots before he was allowed to transport. As if by some parallel coinkydink both Benny and Bleepnor completely lost their desire to keep high paying jobs. They literally dropped everything right there and walked away into the setting sun, or rising sun, as was the case with Bleepnor. After about four hours of walking, both Benny and Bleepnor felt a strange feeling like someone was watching them. Looking around they saw nothing. They continued walking. Again the feeling of being watched resumed. This time something strange happened. Two bubbles floated out of the parallel skies, and held the reflection of the other. As if looking into a crystal ball, Benny could see Bleepnor, visa versa. They immediately felt a peaceful trasnscendence cross over their bodies, and it was as if a spirit was cleaning away all of their saidness and confusion. They felt their bodies grow lightier, and they both transcended to the final dimension. This story is consideredd spiritual and prophectic in Bleepnor's home universe. Here on earth, it is just condidered a missing person file about a guy a few bricks short of a full load.