Terrence McManus


"It seemed like only yesterday, when we were young and you would say, touch me now don't go away, it seemed like only yesterday" I noticed that my hands were clenched around the steering wheel. I don't remember crossing the bridge, in fact the last few minutes seemed to have disappeared. I'm about three miles down past County Road CC and I don't know how I got here. Mailboxes fly past and my pickup truck is kicking up a cloud of dust. A mean acting farm dog rushes the truck and stops at the end of the driveway. The radio is playing 10:15 on a Saturday Night by The Cure. The clock on the dashboard says the same thing. It's scary how life can change in a split second. Why didn't I see it coming? Please God, say it isn't so. I turn sharp at Parsons Lane and floor it again. Only about one mile to go. Say it isn't so. Please God, say it isn't so.