Terrence McManus


Toby started to slowly take the pistol out of his backpack. The gun felt warm, almost hot in his hand. How in the heck did my gun get so hot? There is no reason for it to get hot. This is crazy. Toby looked inside the backpack. Let's see, three books: JavaScript for the Worldwide Web, 100 Things Every Writer Needs to Know, and a science fiction book called Speaker for the Dead. There was a couple of binder clips, a notepad, two or three pens, a six foot telephone cord which would attach to his laptop computer and a pack of Big Red cinnamon chewing gum. What's going on, how did my gun get so hot? How? Danm this is frustrating! Oh, I figured it out. My laptop computer must have gotten accidentally turned on. I must have hit the start button. Sure enought the back of the laptop computer was really warm and the indicator light was blinking. Whew, glad I figured that one out. Toby slowly drew the pistol out of his packpack. It was no or never. He looked up at the Wells Fargo sign. Sure wish I had a piece of gum.