Terrence McManus

Happy Birthday Daddy

The frosting melted over the edge of the plate and the cake cracked an tilted to the side. Molly started to cry. How was she ever going to give Daddy this cake, it was falling apart. Maybe he would prefer a birthday pie, that would be a lot easier. No, she promised him the best birthday cake ever. She looked at the directions on the cake box to see where she went wrong. What's this, a Duncan Hines 1-800 number for help. She ran to the phone. They would know what to do. Molly dialed the number carefully, only twenty minutes until Daddy got home. Thank you for calling Duncan Hines…Can I help you….”oh Yes” said Molly…I have a problem you see…my cake doesn’t want to stand up, it keep tilting to the side and my Daddy is going to be home any minute…it's for his birthday. Hold Please. Silence… All operators are busy, please hold the line, you will be help in the order you have called. Repeat ten times.