Terrence McManus

First Love

"Could you pass the salt please", that what she said. No more beautiful words have ever graced Steven's ears. I mean six little words, but it felt like a choir of angels was singing in his head. Steven slowly reached over to grab the salt. His senses were in overdrive. He could see his fingers slowly gripping the glass shaker, he could probably tell you how many grains of salt were in the little shaker, oh the little salt shaker, gentle vessel of love, and tasty treat. He grabbed it like a man, but held it like a baby Robin's egg. It was in the air now, moving toward her open hand. The most beautiful hand Steven ever saw; delicate, creamy, perfectly manicured, crystal clear nail polish. He could see the lines on the palms of her outstretched hand. Oh my God, she was only going to live to 43, that not enough time. He needed more time with her; his soul mate. Thank you, she said. Your welcome, Steven said. He realized that things were never going to work out. He moved his eyes slowly away. "How about the pepper?" No more beautiful words have ever graced Steven's ears.