Terrence McManus

Don't Worry Be Happy

You know how sometimes when you are listening to a Marley reggae song you seem to get into this real nice relaxed sleepy rocking state of mind…you don’t worry about tomorrow…you just know everything will be all right. In fact ever since Mary heard her first reggae song she hasn’t worried about work, school, finances, her abusive father, her breast cancer, her miscarriage, 1993 Tax Return, brakes on her Jeep, alien invaders, Gods seeming ambivalence to the terror in the eyes of the girl raped in Central Park today, the dead batteries in her Walkman, tomorrow’s period, Castro’s problem with the CIA, her Sister’s alcohol problem, Indian casino gambling addiction, sports in general, her cats flea problem, the stain on her favorite work outfit and how was she going to get laundry done tonight. Maybe it was the marijuana.