Terrence McManus


The angel stretched out here hand and stroked the hair of the sad little girl. Compassionate to the end, this was the angel's first assignment. The angels name was Elizabeth. She only arrived two weeks earlier and found it hard to comprehend being back in the world, but as a completely different being. The world seemed so different now, slower paced, quieter, and almost surreal, like a Monet painting. She thought that she would yearn to be back to her former life, but that emotion was not necessary. In fact, she now understood the meaning of life to an extent that no mortal could grasp. Elizabeth drew close to the little girl and wrapped her angel wings around her and let her cheek rest on the top of the little girls head, as she listened to the sad little girl pleading with her mother "mommy, give me some money, I want to buy a Coke, come on. No dear, Please just go over to the water fountain, no, water is terrible, it makes me feel sick, and water has not taste, and its gross (stamping feet), and I want a coke so give me some money. No honey, just go have a drink of water, we have to board the plane in a minute, no, I don’t want water, I hate you , I hate you, You never give me what I want, I don’t want water, Elizabeth was clueless, she opened her angel instruction manual.