About Red Shadow Chorus - Real Fine Line
I answered an ad in the Mpls City Pages for a indie band guitar player. When I showed up my sonic guitar tones matched up pretty quick and at the end of the audition I joined in. Renee had written most of the songs up to that point. Their sound reminded me Bjork or the Cranberries.
This was a good band...we practiced 3 times a week, for about 4 hours each night, and pulled together a good set of music. Within about 6 weeks we had our first gigs and were well received in the Minneapolis club scene. About that same time, I was no longer working at Honeywell, and started up a recorded studio with a guy named Karl Demer. We called it AtomicK Records, and I went to work getting bands into the recording studio, including Red Shadow Chorus. We recorded this 3 song demo EP to shop around to labels.
Red Shadow Chorus started to get some momentum. We were picked as one of the top 5 bands likely to leave Minneapolis for greater things, were getting regular Friday and Saturday night gigs, and won the KQRS Midwest Battle of the Bands. I think we won $500, and I was given a new Gibson SG. Aldo Nova was one of the judges. We played the Main Room at First Avenue and sold out the Fine Line one night, primarily because Prince and his band showed up to see what we were all about. It was a darn good band.